Dieter Wolf, Idaho National Laboratory, USA
Jeff Simmons, Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
Simon Phillpot, University of Florida, USA
Anter El-Azab, Florida State University, USA
Daniel Weygand, University of Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
Thermo-mechanical processing and chemical and physical treatments of materials result in significant microstructural changes, which drastically impact the materials properties and performance. This symposium focuses on the multiscale modeling aspects of microstructure evolution in materials, as well as the impact of these microstructural changes on the properties of bulk, micro- and nano-structured materials. The symposium aims to bring together active researchers in the field to discuss a wide range of microstructure evolution problems including - but not limited to – self organization of microstructure and pattern formation in materials; phase changes, including nucleation and nanoscale phase formation in bulk materials and on surfaces; texture evolution; recrystallization and grain growth; deformation-induced microstructural changes, such as dislocation patterns in plasticity; thin film deposition and ion beam processing of materials; sintering and solidification; the role of materials defects in microstructure evolution.
Theoretical, computational and experimental contributions are sought in this general field. Modeling and computational methods including electronic-structure and atomistic methods, kinetic Monte-Carlo, classical density functional theory and phase-field approaches, coarse graining approaches, front tracking and level set methods, and FEM-based methods are welcome.
Dieter Wolf
Materials Science Department
Idaho National Laboratory, MS 2211
Idaho Falls, ID 83415, USA
Tel. (208) 526-8394
Jeff Simmons
Materials and Manufacturing Directorate
Air Force Research Laboratory
Dayton, OH 45433, USA
Tel. (937) 255-1346
Simon Phillpot
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-6400, USA
Tel. (352) 846-3782
Anter El-Azab
School of Computational Science and
Mechanical Engineering Department
Florida State University
Dirac Science Library
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4120, USA
Tel. (850) 644-2434
Daniel Weygand
Institut für Zuverlässigkeit von Bauteilen und Systemen (izbs)
University of Karlsruhe (TH)
Kaiserstr. 12
D-76131 Karlsruhe
Tel. (+49) 721 608-8508